Irish Gap Year

Housing: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I haven't had the best experience with gap programs in the past so i was hoping that this program would be better. because of my adhd and my love for talking I've always always had trouble making friends throughout me life. But, here I was housed with other people that like to joke around and talk as I like to. I had the best gap year experience I could've hoped for with the amazing and funny staff to my awesome roommates to spend amazing adventures with whether that's farming, surfing, hiking, exploring bundoran, or having a craic with a pint at the pub yeh?

I feel like our group could've had longer trips to the places we go to like Galway or Dublin. I also feel that we didn't do enough hiking.

I have a ton of pictures and videos of the program but this website's standards for uploading them are restricting all of mine.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed