Irish Gap Year Adventure and Leadership Program - Sam

Housing: 4
Support: 4
Fun: 3
Value: 4
Safety: 5

I had a lot of fun in this program. I made some great friends, I loved the staff and felt like they really cared about us. I enjoyed going to each part of Ireland and seeing different cities and landmarks. I enjoyed the independence of living in a house with a bunch of other 18-20 year olds and finding out how to prioritize myself and meet my needs. I really enjoyed surfing, climbing mountains, and camping in the woods. Overall, I would consider it a positive experience that I will look back on fondly. I only have a few small criticisms. There was way too much time spent in the bus driving to the different locations. Our trips to the cities were fun, but only lasted 2-3 days. And about halfway through the program, the small town of Bundoran might become a little boring. In order to really get the most out of the program, you have to be very conscious of making the most of each activity and being fully present. If you are, you'll probably have a great time.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed
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