GIVE Tanzania (and Thailand and Laos)

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 4
Safety: 5

GIVE Tanzania is an unique experience anyone would struggle to find with any other organization.

From the start to finish, you truly are a part of the local community, learning the history and culture of Zanzibar. We got to learn about slave trade in Stone Town and visit a local spice farm. There’s also safari at the end of trip. Also, add on Kilimanjaro if you’re up to more adventure. I highly recommend!

But, the highlight was living in Kairo for about two weeks. Here, you’ll meet locals like Khamis, Tala, MC, Smile, and so many more. This program is special in that the local construction and education projects are all led by locals themselves with only one international guide. One of the lead guides from each trip are from Tanzania themselves!

A moment that stood out to me was test day in the classroom with Masai students. As soon as I entered, the students cheered, excited for the test. One student, Rafael aced the exam. His smile made all of the work in school and construction more than worth it!

GIVE is an organization that will push your comfort zone and change your life. I experienced it myself through traveling to Thailand and Laos on previous trips and now, Tanzania. If you’re questioning signing up, then sign up, and figure out everything else later. Nothing can compare to the memorable experience a GIVE trip provides!

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