
Academics: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

My summer in Korea was amazing! The list seriously never stops, and the entire day you just see so much. It's impossible to take it all in. But never fear, after an entire day of touring and being a tourist, they give you the entire night to do what you will with your time and money. The student helpers were key in having a great time, suggesting great places to go and how to play Korean drinking games (which are really fun). One of the great things about the program is that they pick a variety of students throughout the US, so you'll always find a group of people with similar interests who want to explore the same parts of Korea as you. But really, they give you so much time to just go out and do whatever, and if you're that kind of person who likes to walk around the city and talk to random people (when you find young people who speak English), it's a pretty awesome time.

They took us out for all of our meals, and they always took us to nice restaurants. So don't worry about not liking the food. You have to be curious! And it's not as spicy as they think it is. I mean, I could list the food, but they pretty much served us all the main food people think is Korean food.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would