Experience of a lifetime

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

Experience of a lifetime
I joined the Florence 2023 world class study abroad program trip. I took art history as my major class, and I’ve never been so engaged in a class and so excited to wake up each morning and go to class. My class consisted of about 7 people which was perfect for walking around the city, famous museums and churches. We never had a dull moment in class as we were always challenged to learn. Each individual in my class participated with the help of our teacher, who always supported us in and out of class. His positive attitude towards learning about art history rubbed off the students, so we’re excited to learn in a healthy and supportive environment. We learned to read churches, paintings and statues in a completely new artistic outlook. The staff are absolutely the kindest and most helpful people. They would drop anything to help you out, they genuinely care for your safety and your wellbeing. We grew to know each other so well; I am positive every student on the trip had an amazing relationship with the staff. I developed unbreakable bonds around the world during this trip with my now friends that will hopefully last me a lifetime. Sharing an apartment with 9 other girls taught me to be patient and was a great experience to do before college. I was intimidated about sharing a living space with so many people and it being crowded, but it was the opposite of that. The activities we did together brought us closer and taught us even more after classes. I would recommend studying abroad with world class programs for anyone, it’s an absolutely incredible experience. The worst part of the trip is the fact that you must say goodbye to the people have made bonds with. When I said goodbye at the gate, I remember crying for an hour straight after saying hugging goodbye. I love these people with all my heart and I would do anything for them. I recommend world class programs for any student who wants to be apart of another loving family.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
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