The Best Summer Program I have ever Been On

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 4
Safety: 5

ARCOS overall is very ontop of communication and preparing you for the trip. They are quick to respond and they are extremely helpful.

The program itself was awesome. I loved the city of Buenos Aires and all the excursions we got to do and I loved being able to improve my Spanish. The Spanish classes aren't like your typical high school class, so you don't fall asleep and you really learn a lot in the time you are there.

The food is amazing, the activities, and the independence was my favorite part. I met a lot of great people a few I am still in contact with.

Kevin specifically the program director was the absolute best. He was funny, kept us safe, and my favorite person I have ever met. He was always available and helped whenever he could. Kevin definitely improved the trip in a million ways. Overall it was an amazing trip and I would definitely do a trip with ARCOS again.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed