A Memorable Experience in Korea

Academics: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

I have never been outside in the United States and have honestly lived in the state of Ohio my whole life. So, leaving the country for the first time was extremely nerve-wracking. I could only think about the initial worries of how to migrate through a foreign airport and not knowing a single person arriving.

Though, the TEAN program was very helpful. The amount of details and steps included in the directions per arrival genuinely helped me. I was efficient and arrived in the country where I will be studying for the next four months without majorly freaking out. As someone who struggled with high anxiety. Through the program I have probably met people that I will never forget. The way I want to achieve differently in school, I gained a sort of motivation I was lacking prior. I also went outside of my bubble and made the first move to create friendships. I loved how I was able to improve to be a different version of myself. With a different outlook of things and overcoming my anxieties.

Even simple accomplishments like trying new foods, walking in new areas, and studying in different environments. Being able to adapt and improve my skill-sets is the best opportunity I could have received. Thanks to the program, I received a new love for traveling and hopefully I can go back to Korea soon.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed
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