Happiness, Curry and Elephants

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 4
Safety: 5

I would highly recommend this organization. I did the Volunteer With Elephants program and had a truly amazing experience. I really can't express how it changed my life.

From the moment I got there, and even before arriving, I had support from their staff. They always made sure I had what I needed and was safe..which was very valuable being a woman traveling alone.

They really set you up to be comfortable and the value of having a driver was very nice. The manager/owner of this organization always took the time to take me and see things I would have never known how to find, explain where to go for shopping.

The tour you get at the end is also worth it in itself. I loved spending time with the elephants and everything was hands on.

The town was beautiful and so full of history and character. Lots of sight seeing! Everyday was a new unique experience and I met a lot of really nice people.

The family I stayed with was very hospitable, although the food was a little oily and vegetarian it was really tasty. I had my own room with a shower and always felt welcome. The girls there did Henna for me and even helped me shop for a Sari and local attire.

All in all I had an incredible experience, I would highly recommend this organization as it has a personable and human aspect to it. If you are thinking of going, and have more questions feel free to contact me at thowrey@live.com.

Never stop travelling :-)

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would