Fantastic experience, awesome program

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

Both of my sons have participated in this program, traveling to the Galápagos with GLA for two weeks. One went alone, and the other with a friend. They both had an amazing time and highly recommend it. From the student's perspective, the trip is a great chance to push themselves outside their comfort zone and experience some real independence, traveling internationally without their family. Successfully negotiating flights, connections, and immigration solo is a real confidence builder. In country, the group becomes their family. GLA does an incredible job of building camaraderie (my eldest still communicates with his group years later), ensuring the students are safe, and keeping parents informed of their childrens' activities. From the pre-departure planning through the trip, I always felt that my children were in capable, organized hands. My kids learned a lot and experienced much, and got service hours to list on their college applications as a bonus--plus teens are really excited to be involved in preserving such a unique and important place. An incredible opportunity, grateful to GLA for all they do to open up the world to teens.

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Yes, I would
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