GVI Madagascar conservation

Growth: 4
Support: 4
Fun: 5
Housing: 4
Safety: 5

This year I will be graduating with a master’s in functional biology, however, I wanted to develop a deeper understanding of ecology and biodiversity during my master’s year. Further, I was and I’m still interested in working in an international setting after I graduate, so the internship was ideal for working towards these goals.
For me, it was interesting to see how new partnerships are formed in an international setting and working together towards one collective goal: to protect and preserve the biodiversity of Lokobe National Park. What was also inspiring during the internship with GVI was that we (volunteers and interns) also taught specific English about the fauna and flora that are present in Lokobe to the rangers in Ampasipohy. This is of high value as the protection and preservation of Lokobe National Park on the Ampasipohy side is totally community-based and thus not in the hands of Madagascar National Parks. As a result of teaching English to the rangers, they can better guide the eco-tourists who come to Ampasipohy for the biodiversity of the Lokobe forest.

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Yes, I would
Year Completed