Home Away From Home

Academics: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

This past semester abroad was everything I hoped it would be! It is crazy how the places I used to save as future traveling inspo were now close enough to visit and explore.

Seoul was the perfect city to live in because of how much there is to do and how affordable it is to visit other areas. I took several day and weekend trips outside of Seoul, and the process was very simple. I could not recommend it enough.

The people are very kind, and I felt welcomed immediately at Korea University. A lot of my favorite memories are conversations with strangers who showed me Korean affection. My favorite is a woman I met at BBQ. I visit her almost weekly with friends because she says I look like her daughter who is studying abroad. She even asked me to call her aunt!

The TEAN staff also made it easy to make friends because there are scheduled outings and a group chat. They are all very kind and helpful, so do not be afraid to send them a message on Kakao when you are having a problem.

As a foreigner, you will be stared at and potentially harassed, but as long as you react maturely, you will be okay. Especially when you travel to cities that are more rural, the stares will increase, and random strangers will probably come up to talk to you. Just keep this in mind and always be with another person! You may also face some discrimination. I experienced it at a museum when I was forced to pay more than the entry fee because I was not Korean. In one of my classes, I also had this problem because the grader said I was destined to not succeed because I am from America. There seems to be a lot of unwritten rules and expectations in coursework that students from America are unaware of. The best solution is to ask your professor detailed questions about what they are looking for and remain kind and respectful.

It is important to stay on top of your studies and reach out for help! I do this by scheduling time to talk with my professors. The class I mentioned facing discrimination in, is where I started to do this. I meet with the professor often to go over assignments, and we have tea. It has made a negative situation very positive!

The most important thing if you visit is to get out of your comfort zone. I flew here alone, but I am leaving with friends. I had never practiced Korean with a native Korean, and now I have hundreds of times! Make the most of your time and accomplish everything you want to do.

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Yes, I would
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