An Excellent Experience

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

After three months at the Excellence Center, I cannot recommend this experience enough to others who are interested in participating. Nurtured by the welcoming team that is always eager to help you, or by the beautiful architecture that surrounds you in the charming city of Halle, the Excellence Center is a special place. I will start by saying that I came to Germany with little no knowledge of German. My teacher, Muaz, helped me so much and was extremely patient as I stumbled through learning a new language. I confidently say that I have learned so much and I am very happy with the results!

I travelled to Germany three months post graduating high school in the United States. Upon arriving to Halle I found myself in a complete culture shock, and felt extremely overwhelmed by the language barrier and differences of the country. The team at the Excellence Center helped me feel welcomed and apart of the community right away. By giving me a tour of the city, helpful advice, and lots of delicious food, I felt at home within the first week. The center ensures that all volunteers are placed with host family’s that are kind and welcoming people. My host, Thomas, has taught me so much about authentic German life. Through weekly dinners and chats over coffee I have learned about the language, history, and culture of Germany. Furthermore, the center does a wonderful job of creating an instant feeling of community between the volunteers. I have come to make some lifelong friendships through the people I’ve met. I have also learned a lot about myself through the experience. I also love the connections I have made with the students from the local university. I have met a lot of international people, and I highly recommend participating in activities with the university if you volunteer here! Lastly and most importantly, the connections I have made with my students has been lovely! Getting to know their stories has really opened my eyes. Watching their English improve is extremely rewarding and exciting for both parties!

Overall, I can not emphasize enough how wonderful this experience has been for me. the Excellence Center has played a really impactful role in my life. Rafat and the team have created a great environment for both the volunteers and students. I highly recommend participating in this program for either all three months or even just a week. You won’t regret it!

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Yes, I would
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