Teach English in Italy

Benefits: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Facilities: 5
Safety: 5

Teaching English to children aged 7-14 years at summer camps around Italy was a memorable experience. Working each day was enjoyable, making lessons interactive and organising afternoon activities. The children are enthusiastic and are willing to learn; seeing you as a role model the children really look up to you. Whilst at camp, a highlight for me was when everybody was having fun during the afternoon activities and everybody's competitive side showed, wanting their team to win! Another highlight was seeing the children perform their final shows at the end of the two weeks. Parents come to watch the performances and you really see how much English the children have learnt. A difficulty I encountered was trying to keep the children (especially the older children) focused during lessons but making them fun and of interest to them will engage them. Host families I stayed with were all very welcoming and they make you feel at home. It was a great opportunity to experience the Italian culture and lifestyle. Bonuses of spending your summer in Italy include the gorgeous weather and the Italian food!

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