Dublin: Spring 2012

Academics: 3
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 4

Its hard to believe that it has almost been a year since I left Dublin. I studied abroad in the Spring semester, 2012. Before leaving for Dublin I would have never imagined the impact that studying abroad would have on my life, perspective, and future goals and plans. When I returned home from Dublin people would say, "so how was it?" That was suprisingly a tough quesition. How could I describe a whirlwind of four months in a few words? I met people from all over the world that had grown up so differently from me but, yet, when I got to know them, they weren't that different at all. We had similar tastes in music and even liked the same basketball team. I made life long friends that I still keep in touch with today (I even got to skype with a few friends from Paris last week). I can't wait to go back to Europe (I'm even looking for jobs overseas after I graduate in May) and I encourage everyone that has the opportunity to study abroad to go! Many people think that you must know a foriegn language to go abroad but the CEA Dublin program allowed me to go abroad, but speak English.

Go with CEA!

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Yes, I would