Authentic experience

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I went to Jaipur to work with the elephants and what a great experience it was.

If you are looking for an authentic experience then this is the project for you. From the family to the transport it is the real deal.

I was worried as a lone slightly older traveller about how safe I would be. I need not have worried at all, at every stage the organisation exceeded expectations leaving me free to enjoy the experience.

The day starts early and so if you are working with the elephants you have a lot of downtime. It is worth noting here it may be better to do this trip with a friend since I did get a little bored at the house.

Whilst on the trip it was the Holie festival and what fun be aware that you are not told to oil your body before playing so that the powder does not stain. I was bright pink for almost a week!!! Thanks Sukret.

Live a little and go for this adventure.

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Yes, I would