Digital Marketing Remote Internship

Content: 5
Engagement: 5
Support: 5
Platform: 5
Value: 5

I had the privilege of completing a 2-month remote internship with a Tech Solutions company as a Digital Marketing Intern, and the experience was so chill and enriching. One of the highlights of this internship was the hands-on exposure to various facets of digital marketing. I actively participated in content creation, managing social media platforms, and contributing to SEO optimization efforts. The team's guidance and constructive feedback played a pivotal role in refining my skills and understanding of the industry.

I am proud to note specific achievements during the internship, including a notable increase in website traffic and social media engagement. These tangible results, coupled with the mentorship received, have significantly contributed to my professional development.

All thanks to AIP for arranging my internship with this company. They exceeded my expectations and I'm very grateful for the opportunity. Also, they gave me a discount so I'm definitely applying for summer next year!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed