Volunteer teaching in Cost Rica

Benefits: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Facilities: 4
Safety: 4

A journalist friend of mine who volunteered in Africa is now investigating unscrupulous voluntary organisations and asked me did I know of any in Central or South America. It made me think how lucky I was to tee up with i-to-i which attracted the interest of not-for-profit group EVOLC [English Volunteers for Change] which aims to make Costa Rica bilingual by 2020. The program co-ordinator's thoughtful placement for me at Escuela Nueva Laboratoria and with my host family continues to have a positive effect and I've formed great contacts that I hope will become life-long associations. EVOLC chose the right fit for me. Everything about the program was professional, which contributed to my sense of feeling totally at ease as a new volunteer in a foreign country. Because I felt I was in safe hands under EVOLC it made my experience in the Costa Rican capital such a positive one. Now looking back on that experience, which only ended in late May, I feel privileged to have been involved with a group such as EVOLC. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend the program, and I'd love to return to repeat it but next time I'll stay longer.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would