A Year Abroad with CIEE

Benefits: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Facilities: 5
Safety: 5

I joined the Auxiliary Program with CIEE to take a break from teaching in the States. I was torn between working another year as a teacher in the USA or taking the chance to teach abroad and regain my passion for teaching. It helped that I knew people who lived in Spain and had visited before, so it wasn't an unfamiliar place. Between different programs, I chose CIEE because it was a guarantee that I would be placed in Madrid, where I wanted to work. I also enjoyed the pre-departure help to recieve my visa and the communication on when to do documents where and the exact way to fill them out. It is a bit pricey compared to other programs for teaching abroad, but the help you recieve before traveling and at the 4 day orientation which includes the hotel, food, etc. helps justify the cost. I met some really great friends through the orientation process that help with the adjustment of living abroad and have been able to travel within Spain and in Europe has been great! I think this is a great program for recent college graduates who want to have an experience abroad while building skills and having the opportunity to travel.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed
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