Stay at Sadhana

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I heard about Sadhana from a friend who had visited earlier this year, who had explained about it’s uniqueness of experimental living and sustainable approach. The plan was to stay for 4 days but it’s been about 3 weeks now and I’ve never felt a sense of gratitude envelope me this way. .

It’s been quite a journey especially connecting with wonderful people who have come from different parts of the world to share and learn about sustainable living ( linked to veganism), reforestation, water conservation and most importantly compassion which is taught through and through in every seva we partake in and to treat the animals around you the way you would treat yourself which is with love and respect.

The immense shift from the normal way of consuming media through your laptop or phone screens and working 8 hours a day to make ends meet to a mindful living where you are working towards basic but important needs such as cooking food, planting trees, ensuring cleanliness and promoting sustainable living for a better future. The simplicity of life here eliminates the question of what’s your purpose or how you can be someone of greater value instead encouraging you to be grateful and mindful in every action

The focus is on selfless service and putting materialistic gains on the backburner. The idea of compassion can truly be understood here living in the forest that’s always giving. I’m humbled and in awe with the way of living in true unity and seeing hands on work being encouraged in an age where we are all behind screens. Thank you Sadhana for being one of my biggest mentors and giving me more than I could ask for.

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Year Completed