Experience beyond words

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

"Today is the ninth day in Sadhana Forest. I am getting more and more accustomed to living in the forest, feeling comfortable and calm. I mentioned to a friend a while ago that I was about to travel to India and I would fly to the city of Chennai. He mentioned Auroville to me and he thought I would like this area. He mentioned Sadhana Forest in particular and decided to go to India. The first stop was Sadhana Forest. I also wanted to experience life in a volunteer based community.
This is my first experience of living with a community. We have different tasks that require division of labor every day. We will get up early together, cook, clean, go to the forest to water... and so on. As long as the forest needs help, we will help each other. We'll all do it together. In Sadhana you will meet friends from all over the world, just like a big family, and you will get to know everyone easily. There are different tasks every day, you will seva (selfless service) with different people, and you will also have various activities. You can participate in various workshops and activities. After seva in the afternoon, you can go out to explore the surroundings, or you can enjoy the quietness and comfort in the forest. There is a mud pool if you want to soak in the water, a library if you want to read a book, and a meditation hut if you want a quiet little space for meditation, yoga, or sleeping. I occasionally walk to the Tea hut to have a cup of coconut milk chai. I really enjoyed my time in the forest, and the time will slip away unconsciously and you won't realize it. Whether you want to meet new friends, learn about their forest restoration methods, or experience group life, come to Sadhana Forest. It will be an unforgettable memory. Thank you Sadhana Forest!"

今天是來到Sadhana Forest的第九天,越來越適應在森林裡的日子,愜意平靜。我是在前一陣子跟朋友提起我即將要到印度旅行我會飛到Chennai城市 ,他跟我提起了Auroville這個地方,他覺得我會喜歡這個區域,特別提起了Sadhana Forest,就決定到印度的第一站就是Sadhana Forest了,也想要體驗在volunteer based community 生活。
這是我第一次跟community 生活的經驗,我們每天都有不同的工作需要分工合作,我們會一起早起、煮飯、清潔、去森林澆水….等等,只要森林有什麼需要大家幫忙的我們都會一起去完成。在Sadhana你會認識來自各個地方的朋友,就像是個大家庭一樣,你也會很容易就認識大家,每天都有不同的tasks你都會跟不同的人一起seva (selfless service),也會有各式各樣的工作坊、活動你可以參加,下午結束seva你可以出去探索周遭,也可以在森林裡享受這份安靜愜意,有mud pool如果你想泡泡水,也有圖書館如果你想看本書,有meditation hut 如果你想有個安靜的小空間,冥想也好瑜珈也好睡覺也好。我偶爾也會走到Tea hut去喝杯coconut milk chai 。我很享受我在森林裡的這段日子,而且時間會不知不覺的溜走你不會意識到,不管你是想來認識新朋友還是了解他們如何林地復育還是體驗團體生活,來Sadhana Forest 絕對會是一段難忘的回憶。謝謝Sadhana Forest!

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