Studying Abroad in Seoul, South Korea

Academics: 4
Support: 4
Fun: 5
Housing: 3
Safety: 5

During fall 2023 to currently spring 2024, I studied abroad in Seoul, South Korea. It was one of the best decisions I ever made in terms of self-growth. Coming from a small town with little cultural diversity, Seoul helped me to broaden my perspective and teach me more about being independent. I learned to navigate cost differences, transportation, cultural and linguistical differences, as well as tackling challenging coursework at Yonsei University. Learning the language and meeting new people led me to take more opportunities to expand on my hobbies and interests. I joined multiple clubs at Yonsei and took group trips to places like Ansan Mountain and Namsan Tower in Seoul and other cities such as Daegu and Jeonju. Before coming to Korea, I was intimidated by being a student living alone in a foreign country, however, my university and program helped me to adjust and feel welcome. From my experience, not only did my language acquisition improve as well as my communication and social skills, but I also learned more about being open-minded and compassionate to everyone I meet. I am very grateful to have had a year in. South Korea to fully immerse myself in the culture and environment and I plan to use these skills as I further my education back in the United States.

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