Housing: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I had the absolute best time of my life on this program. From meeting lifelong friends to growing as a human and an artist this program has changed the way I’ll think about culture, history, art and people forever!! All the roommates including mine were very well chosen. The dynamics of all the houses were always on point. The pubs in Bundoran are lovely and safe with lots of families around. Although, the time spent in the Portbeg Holiday Homes are much more memorable. The dynamic between the group is always an amazing mix of casual time and fun outings. The staff and teachers were so caring and supportive throughout the whole program. I use a motorized scooter for my physical disability so coming across a program that supports that is quite rare. Not only did they plan accessible trips and accessible restaurants they purchased with their own money a ramp for the van we use everyday. Never once did any of them make me feel like a hassle or “too much”, as some past programs I’ve done have. The staff also bought us groceries every week based off a list we created and got us medicine from their own pockets when we were sick. One of my fondest memories is Jules ( part of the staff), making me breakfast while I was sick in bed. It’s these smalls things that IGY does that makes Bundoran feel like home.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
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