Studying and Interning in the Coolest City in the World

Growth: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Housing: 3
Safety: 3

So I am a bit biased, I love history. Getting to study and intern in Prague, the center of so many cool and fascinating events throughout history, was phenomenal. The city was beautiful, with amazing stories around every bending corner. I meet amazing people, both in the program and in the city. Adding in my internship, which was a great blend of my academic and professional interests, meant that I got a wonderful and well-rounded experience throughout my time there. The city is also a wonderful center for travel. I got to visit a part of Europe I don't think I would have been able to otherwise. Overall, being able to study and work in Prague was a wonderful experience, and I recommend anyone who loves history and is extremely curious to go.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed