Amazing Experience, thank you Thalassa!

Growth: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 4

I spent 4 awesome months in Madrid. I couldn't find a placement in the UK, but the overall experience I got on this programme is unlike anything I would have got at home! I got to meet a lot of new people, from my internship, Erasmus, and loads of socials from Intern Madrid. This is a great chance to do start your career, make new friends and contacts, and travel in this beautiful country!

I could not have asked for better accomodation, which was of exceptional standard, with students of my age, and in a perfect location! I also loved the Metro system in Madrid, where I had no problems- it is so easy and convenient to get around in these. Madrid is a beautiful city, with lots to do.

Obviously, employers value experience, but working abroad really stands out! I could not have been happier with everything here, I would definitely reccomend this! Thank you for everything Thalassa, it would not have been nearly as good without you!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed