Fantastic experience!

Housing: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 4

Venezuela is a spectacular country but without Jakera I don't think I would have gained half as much out of the experience. On top of learning Spanish, I now know how to salsa dance and a lot more about Venezuelan culture than I did before.
Jakera has very experienced staff members - very friendly and helpful! They know about the places they are guiding so you are always learning!

Jakera is a unique company because they do not get the plane to Angel Falls, they hike! They are the only company who does this and they are also the only company who kayaks down the Orinoco Delta river. It was challenging but equally an unforgettable challenge, learning to live on the bare necessities of life. One totally worth doing! There are lots of mosquitos, no plumbing or electricity in the Delta - all part of the experience! I took anti - malarial's but I was told that I shouldn't have taken them. It is entirely up to you.

Venezuela has a reputation for being dangerous but if you are careful and follow the rules you will have no problems. Don't bring bags out, don't wear clothing that draws attention to yourself and don't wear obvious jewelry. Simple rules that will increase the amount you gain from the experience if you follow.

If you want to travel Venezuela, travel with Jakera! This company has all the ingredients for an incredible experience and they will ensure you get the most out of your travels in Venezuela.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed