A worthwhile experience

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

I did a finance internship through absolute internship at a financial services firm in shanghai for 1 month from december to january. I learnt to research mutual funds, allocate funds to client portfolios, and market our services by contacting prospective clients, and it was a very enriching experience for me. Majority of the interns were doing finance in shanghai, and there were also accounting interns and marketing interns. It was a positive experience for me getting to work in a vibrant city where after work, places are still open for you to shop or hang out and have dinner with the other interns, and I am really glad I got to meet these new friends. The absolute people keep it fun by organising weekly activities for us which was awesome, and they organised a few talks for us with leaders in the industry, which was quite an eye opener. In terms of getting a job later on, if you have never done an internship, this definitely does help. I think it has definitely helped me get my resume noticed and all you need now is decent grades and maybe some volunteer work and you will be getting through the hoops companies make us jump through these days. I have got vac offers from 2 of the big 4 and I would like to thank absolute for playing a part in helping me secure these roles!

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Yes, I would
Year Completed