Life changing experience

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

The Global Experiences internship in New York was professionally and personally enriching. The internship allowed me to experience the work culture of this fast paced city and it also allowed me to attend social events around the city with fellow interns on the program. My internship was a formal program where we had guest speakers and lectures. At the same time we were only given work that was acceptable within the internship. I found this to be quite nice. Thank you to Global Experiences for finding a formal internship program at a company.
I was also able to meet people from around the world and form lasting friendships. Socially the program is fun and and interesting. We all had each other's support and enjoyed various parts of New York. I have grown professionally and enjoyed my time in New York. Would recommend this to anyone who wants to expand their global perspective and experience a new culture. New York is one the most fast paced cities in the world and experiencing life and work here was a valuable experience.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed