Great experience

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 4
Safety: 5

I was looking for internship abroad but it was not easy to find a job, place to stay plus my english is not the best.

I contacted come2england and they explain me and help me with everything.

Giada was very helpful and always replay to all my questions. She introduce me few companies with who I had skype interviews and check which of them can help me develop my skills the most.

Then I decided to choose company related to my study which is designing.

When I come to London I was completely lost, but team of come2england been really helpful. The member of their team who speak spanish as me make my life easier.

They as well find for me accommodation which was absolutely one of the best things. I have a river view, weekly cleaner and in the apartment was gym and sauna! Yeeey

That was experience which will influence my future career. I built my portfolio which I can show my future employer.

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Yes, I would
Year Completed