Professionalism personified!

Benefits: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Facilities: 4
Safety: 4

The team at LiveTEFL is one to be admired. I originally booked my course for February but was unable to attend. The guys at LiveTEFL were really helpful in rearranging my course for August. In the weeks leading up to the course I had regular emails providing all essential information and answering any questions I could possibly have.
When I arrived, I was picked up from the airport by a very friendly guy, and driven directly to the accommodation I was staying in (which I will add wasn't even the accommodation provided by LiveTEFL, but they still drove me there). Once there, they helped me with my bags and helped me check in. He made sure I knew where the local shops and restaurants were, and showed me to the local metro, talked me through the process of buying a ticket and gave me directions to the school. All of these touches were very much appreciated and made me feel settled and comfortable ahead of my intensive schedule!
Once on the course, the excellent efficiency and communication continued, the trainers were all fantastic, and always willing to offer extra advice, no matter what time, even in the pub!
The course is hard and intensive, make no mistake about it, with a full 8-6 schedule every day and assignments, along with all the lesson planning, but the staff are all extremely friendly and helpful, so if TEFL is what you want to do, look no further than LiveTEFL.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed