Brighton over London, all day every day!

Academics: 3
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Housing: 4
Safety: 4

Going to Brighton was my first time living away from home and my first time leaving the country. It was an AWESOME experience that I'll carry with me for the rest of my life. I am a Business student and luckily Brighton offered a lot of classes to choose from that fit into my degree plan from my home university. There were no tests, just group projects and end of term papers so it was a nice change of pace. The lecturers did tend to grade harder that what I'm use to in the US so you will need to put in some effort regarding your coursework. The coordinators Mary and Becca are SUPERSTARS. They were both such great help getting my schedule straightened out and they planned a number of great field trips.The city itself is such a culturally rich and diverse place with a million things to do, I guarantee you'll never be bored. That being said you'll want to save a lot of money before coming. I tried to restrict myself to a 100 pound a week budget but it gets hard to adhere to with so many things going on at all times. I would recommend working before you come so you have enough to enjoy Brighton as well as travel Europe at the end of term.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed