A Perfect European Summer

Benefits: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Facilities: 5
Safety: 5

My first time out of the United States was my summer with ECC. As a first time traveler, I was apprehensive to leave home for such a long time. However, Nate & Ashliegh, along with the other tutors, host families, and kids at camp made me feel right at home. Nate and Ashliegh are the best bosses I've ever had, they are so organized and on top of everything. Traveling from town to town was a breeze, and their camp orientation had me extremely prepared to teach the kiddos at camp! Every tutor I had the pleasure to work with was on top of their game, and colaboration was easy an fun! We even traveled together after camp, some of the tutors will be my friends for life! can't say enough good things about my host families, these wonderful people went out of their way to make me feel like a part of the family! They cooked amazing meals and brought me to cities such as Milan and Rome. The days at camp were alway fun and well organized! Everyday I was amazed by the kids and their excitment for English. You will work hard, you will meet amazing people, eat wonderful food, see beautiful place, and never want to go home.

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Yes, I would
Year Completed