The amazing Hong Kong!

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

Hong Kong is an absolutely amazing city to do an internship at. This city actually never sleeps on any day of the week so the first couple of weeks before settling into the Hong Kong life I didn't sleep either as there is so much to do. All the interns are very friendly and the staff (Steph!!!!!) are really nice. Steph is great and everyone loves her (even her "interesting" dancing).
The actual internship was a great way to learn a lot of things in a very short time. Also its a great way to explore different jobs to see what you enjoy doing or not as you get to do all sorts of jobs that no one else in the company wants to do (I know I never want to do market research ever again). It was also nice working for a small company as you can actually see it progressing a lot over the short internship.

PS. Steph and Yiyan are great

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Year Completed