Mind changing experience of living and working in Asia

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

From the very beginning the Intern Hong Kong team was very professional and helpful. I have traveled a lot, studied my Masters degree abroad and attended numerous language courses across Europe, but my 6 weeks stay in Hong Kong was definitely one of the most comfortable trips i´ve ever made. The Intern HK took care of everything: visa, accommodation, networking events, so basically I was able to concentrate on work and exploring the city. Moreover, from my experience, I could say it actually makes a big difference when you have somebody local willing to help you 24 hours while living in a new country and facing a new culture. It was my first time in Asia, so of course, I was worried before coming to Hong Kong. When you don´t know enough about mentality and lifestyle it could be hard to get around. However, thanks to Intern HK I met so many friends from across the globe and got to visit so many places, so actually Hong Kong felt like a second home for me right from the start. By and large, I enjoyed every moment of my stay and learned a lot about Asian culture, people and business.

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Year Completed