Unforgettable Experience

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

Over the summer I attended Global Leadership Adventures two week Empowering Rainforest Communities program. It truly was one of the most memorable and life changing experiences of my life. I know it is cliche and that you have read hundreds of reviews saying the same thing, and I felt the same way too. Like how good can this program really be? But after my two weeks in Costa Rica I can honestly say that the program met and exceeded all of my expectations. The way the program is organized provides for the ultimate amount of cultural immersion and fun social experiences. Everyday you wake up, eat breakfast, and then go off to do your designated service in the local communities. The service could possibly have been the highlight of my trip. As a student you are immersed in the local culture and get to meet people of a completely different lifestyle of your own. But what you learn to realize is that they are not much different from you. It is one of the coolest and most eye opening realizations you will ever experience. Throughout the trip's duration Global Leadership Adventures sprinkles in fun activities that allow you to explore this brand new country. For example during my trip, we got to swim and hike along a river littered with waterfalls, climb up to the crater of a volcano, and relax in Costa Rica's natural hot springs. As far as safety goes I understand that it is a huge part when choosing a program to volunteer abroad with, specifically from the parent's point of view. But Global Leadership Adventures does a great job in providing clean housing and transportation and you are always with a counselor or your program director. There was not one time I felt uneasy during this trip. Volunteering abroad sparked my interest in travel and cultural immersion and has inspired me to make a change in my own life and strive to help others make that change as well and I have Global Leadership Adventures to thank for that. I would highly recommend this program to any perspective students.

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Yes, I would
Year Completed