The world really is your campus!

Academics: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

Semester at Sea takes you on a voyage to a dozen or more world ports over the course of a semester - where normal study abroad programs place you in one country, on SAS your ship is your country! You'll live on the beautiful MV Explorer with 500-700 other students from around the country and around the world; I've sailed twice and now have friends in India, Morocco, Singapore, Turkey, and all across the US. The ship has everything you'd expect of a college campus - classrooms, study areas, cafeteria, and even a pool! Classes are challenging but also rewarding, as you'll get to learn about the countries you'll visit, and go on field trips for hands-on experience. For example, I took a marine biology class where we got to visit the world-famous Lisbon Oceanarium, including a behind-the-scenes tour. And don't be deterred too much by the price tag, which is understandably high; many schools will let you use your financial aid, and SAS also offers a number of scholarships and work study opportunities to help you pay your way (I know they helped me tremendously!).

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