HELP is a rare gem!

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 3
Safety: 5

HELP (Himalayan Education Lifeline Programme) is one of those rare gem of an NGO that's catered towards the people in need, that is the students in the Himalayas, and not the volunteers! And I think that's the beauty of this program because all too often I've seen volunteer-tourism take the actual impact away from the experience, and leave a superficial feel to the whole engagement. At HELP, the fee was a minimum, and the majority of the money was personally handed over to the schools and the children in need which effectively takes away the 'middleman' role. Additionally, the school that I volunteered in, in Ladakh, India was a phenomenal one. From all the reviews I've read and the people who volunteered previous with HELP I've only heard good things about the schools that are covered by this program.

I lived in a home-stay for my 4 month stay in Ladakh, and formed strong and lasting bonds with the people who I shared those four months, including the homestay family and the students, teachers, the school community and the village and monastery community as well.

I strongly recommend you try this wonderful organization as a way to positively impact the educational scenario of the Himalayas and you'll end up coming out of it a person with a rich experience and perhaps some new found wisdom and humility as well!


Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed