Make Dream Careers a Reality

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

It would be nothing short of an understatement to say that Intern Group changed my life. The level of growth I experienced was unprecedented; the level of experience I gained is unparallaed.

I completed my internship on Wall Street, New York. It was a Marketing internship. The company who I worked for were always eager to give me challenging tasks in an attempt to push me to my limits. This was certainly the case and as a result I have seen a definite change in my ability within a working environment. I met a tremendous amount of influential, charismatic people whilst in New York, and have come away with some life-long friends. While that may sound rather cliche, I have strong evidence, in that one of the people I met, a South Carolina native, is coming to see me over New Years for a period of two weeks. As well as this, I often Skype with friends that I made from places such as Spain, Switzerland, Australia, China, Brazil and back home, in the United Kingdom. Intern Group is definitely a unique answer when people question me how I became friends with such people and it is hard to imagine how else we would have had an opportunity to meet each other, had we not completed the Intern Group Program.

I can't do the staff members justice; each and every one of them was incredible. They all possessed a ridiculous work ethic, which meant that they went to all lengths to not satisfy, but delight the needs of each and every intern. There would be occasions when a staff member would arrange something out of the blue (completely free of charge) for everybody else to enjoy. Whether it's touring the Brooklyn Bridge, going to Staten Island, going to the Statue of Liberty of arranging a FIFA tournament, the staff members really exhausted every potential activity there is to do in New York, and I need not tell you how much there is to do in New York. Another undoubtable benefit of the Program Staff Members is their extensive business networks; this is very helpful as it helps each intern extend their own personal networks via events.

I really can't stress the importance of doing an internship in the modern era; we live in an incredibly competitive working environment. Having an incredible internship which only Intern Group can offer will really benefit anybody to stand out from the competition, when applying for jobs. I currently have a lucrative job with IBM and it is truly hard to imagine how I would be in this privileged position had I not done my Intern Group internship. I remember my job interview consisted mostly of talking about Intern Group and the benefits of the program, and how said benefits made me an ideal applicant for the role that I am now in.

Aside from the professional and social benefits which I have discussed, Intern Group also gave me a lot of other opportunities. Being in New York, one of the fashion capitals of the world, I was lucky to be scouted for a modelling contract. As a result I now have modelling contracts in New York and London. I know that other interns landed themselves in similar situations just from being in the right place at the right time. Furthermore, if you choose to give Intern Group the right to offer you the experiences and memories of a lifetime, then there are also other benefits. One of the main ones is that just because you have secured an internship in New York (or anywhere else for that matter) does not mean that you cannot in your free time look for future job opportunities. New York is a city of opportunities, but don't just take my word for it. Experience it for yourself! Dream bigger and challenge yourself. If you want to achieve your career goals then go to Intern Group to make this a reality. I do not speak for myself when I say that after completing my Intern Group internship from June - August I may never have a better Summer in my life.

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Yes, I would
Year Completed