Review-Intern London

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

Doing an internship with the Intern Group in London has given me a better sense of professional and personal achievement. It has been a very effective way to launch my career, and I've made friends who I know I'll have forever. The program staff have been extremely helpful, (even if I've asked a billion questions about visas,or the TV not working properly) and I'd say that doing this program has definitely broadened my mind. I've learned how to network with contacts, gained valuable experience in my field of choice, and lived in one of the best cities in the world.
The most important thing anyone would be worried about while going abroad is support and help, and Intern London have done an amazing job of providing that. In my opinion, you learn so much more about yourself when you're in a new environment, and this is a great opportunity to do that as well as find where your career interests lie. Thanks guys!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed