GVI is a ripoff scam

Growth: 1
Support: 1
Fun: 1
Housing: 2
Safety: 1

I was horrified to learn after I arrived in Thailand that 1--my money wasn't going to the community but to the owners of GVI to perpetuate their lavish lifestyles, 2--that their excuse for poor living conditions and bad food, namely that it was for the good of the Earth, was a lie, 3--that we were in very real danger on the other side of the world and GVI would not protect us, and 4--that if anything bad did happen, GVI would cover itself before looking to our welfare. I don't know if all GVI programs are like this, I only know that they have a practice of lying and fraud in Thailand that extends to the owners at the top.

Would you recommend this program?
No, I would not
Year Completed