Lovely Experience in Laos

Impact: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

My placement was at COPE ( we fixed lots of chairs and benches for the dining room as well as class rooms. I even learned sign language from the students at deaf school, they helped with the work as well.

I also helped in building a small concrete foot path in a local temple with the help of another volunteer (Barny from Australia) who is more experienced than me and he also taught me lots of stuff and gave me hints for my work on chairs before he left. Also Beth from USA helped me a lot during my placement and she gave me hints as well and continued working on the project after I left.

I really loved my stay there, the people are very kind with good hearts and the coordinators were very helpful.

I also made lots of friends with other volunteers and we enjoyed our day offs as much as we could.

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Yes, I would