Igniting minds: connecting youth across the world

Academics: 4
Support: 4
Fun: 4
Housing: 4
Safety: 4

This course was an amazing opportunity for me to not just learn more about environmental issues, yet was an uncommon chance to break cultural impediments and act as a team with individuals from different backgrounds, different regions and alternate point of view to seriously contemplate on the question of how to strike a balance between environment and development. It helped me to grow my viewpoints and take interest in classroom discussions which involved intelligent and intuitive learning. I was delighted to meet with my group members and made some great friends from different corners of the world. I was extremely glad to gain from the expertise of my batch mates and critically examine the environmental issues, while we all figured out how to live and cooperate. This course is a decent open door for the students to find out about the major challenges of the world, particularly from a developing countries point of view like India.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed