Overall Impressions

Benefits: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Facilities: 4
Safety: 5

Overall, I was quite impressed with LiveTEFL Prague. The course was intense, as promised, but manageable. Coming from an education background, I found this course very informative and beneficial. Whether someone plans on teaching English or not, the faculty and staff at Spevacek impart wisdom that makes you a better educator, no matter your background or field. The TEFL instructors boast an impressive amount of experience between them and clearly know what they are doing. In addition to the staff at Spevacek, the facility itself is very good. There is a lot of material available for students and new teachers to use, including computers and online resources, textbooks, office equipment, etc. I would recommend this course to others seeking to acquire TEFL certification, especially in Prague.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would