Hands down, the BEST abroad program in the world.

Benefits: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Facilities: 5
Safety: 5

I don’t know where to start...

Organization/Orientation: By far the most organized and exceptional experience I’ve ever been part of from start to finish. Ashleigh and Nate keep you updated well before your trip to Italy and Austria, throughout and to the end. You'll have nothing to worry about from the moment you arrive at the train station in Italy. Orientation was so informative, eventful, and entertaining. You'll meet people from all around the world and learn about their culture and background. Learning new games and camp songs, taking daily notes, and communicating with everyone are some of the best advice I can give. It makes the experience that much more enjoyable and will nonetheless prepare you for your an exciting summer. I've never felt more equipped to teach English before working with The English Camp Company. The sights are absolutely breathtaking. The food is the best you’ll ever eat in the world. Making lifelong friendships within the first week is inevitable.

Teaching in Italy: Truly rewarding. I won’t ever forget all of the children I spent so much time with. It's an amazing opportunity for anyone considering a career in teaching/education. I was a mathematics major and loved every minute of being an English tutor. I discovered so much about myself while learning about all of my students. I learned how to lesson plan, write plays, and incorporate fun into every activity/game. Teaching in different parts of Italy and Austria will bring its many challenges, but as long as you embrace each day that you're fortunate enough to wake up in and teach in a beautiful country, it'll be a breeze. 3 words: PERFECT. SUMMER. JOB.

Travel/Italian : I lost count of the amount of places I went/saw in only 7 weeks. The beaches are absolutely gorgeous.
Before going to Italy, I hadn't ever spoken the language. By the third week I had learned so many words, phrases, and gestures that I automatically fell in love with the culture and began speaking italian in different places. It's awesome.

One of the greatest and inevitable gifts you'll receive when you travel abroad are making friendships and networking internationally. If you've never travelled abroad you may have a few friends from other countries growing up that you get to know. When you get the opportunity to travel and make friends abroad... it's amazing. It opens your eyes to new places and opportunities. It broadens your horizons and gives you a more open outlook on the world. The benefits of having friends abroad give you places to stay if you want to travel throughout the year, a reference point to the best locations, and so much more.

If you want the opportunity to travel with an amazing, (5-star) affordable program, look NO further. Take the time to apply. You don't have to take my word for it. Scroll up and down and look at all the reviews. Talk about a reputable summer job. The places you’ll go will amaze you. Ashleigh and Nate have the most incredible summer already waiting for you, so why not join.
Look for me in summer 2016.

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Yes, I would
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THANK YOU for the summer job of a lifetime. I loved every second of working for ECC and being in Italy. I hope I'm fortunate to be selected again next year