Best Two Months of My Life

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

My experience with the Intern Group was above and beyond expectations. The people I lived with, worked with and met through this program were the reason my time with Intern London was so incredible. I have made life long friends and memories that I will not forget. Having lived and worked in London I feel that I have advanced socially and professionally to face situations easier than most would have to adapt to. While the Intern Group does provide a support structure you as a participant have the opportunity to be free in how you want to experience London. Personally, I went to a few Intern London events and other times I traveled or went out with coworkers and flat mates. The thing to realize is that the experience is what you make it. If you put in effort to meet people and make friends you will be rewarded with opportunities you never imagined.

Also, if you do minimal research of things you want to do (ie. restaurants, music venues, shops) and actively try to explore new places you will find a familiar feel within London. Before coming I followed a few London lifestyle accounts on social media and listed several restaurants, pubs and music venues they mentioned. Once in London, I took colleagues who live there to these places and they were really impressed by the fact they were exploring new places with someone so new to the city. This really makes you feel fully involved with people and the city.

I could go on for days about what an incredible chance it was to go through the Intern London program, but I hope my positive review along with a spirit to be adventurous motivates anyone reading this to try Intern London.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed