Leave what you live with, appreciate what you live on.

Impact: 5
Support: 4
Fun: 3
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I've spent 2 weeks in Nepal.Nicky and I helped in an orphanage.We lived in the mayor's house(the mayor of the urban area of Pokhara).Everyday we walked to the orphanage in several minutes. We helped with the kitchen,cutting decayed and wormy potatoes, peeling immature bananas.All these foods can be cooked into something tasty by adding curry. We also have the same meals with them. I made dumplings for them and luckily they like the dumplings.Although they don't have many kinds of good foods, they have pretty much sources for knowledge. They went to private school being taught in english and there are volunteers from all over the world going there.They may don't have many things we live with, but they are happy with what they live on, and have enough spiritual foods.

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