The 'Absolute' Package

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

As a first law student I was constantly inundated with comments about gaining legal 'experience' and how integral it would be to succeeding in any professional career in the legal sector. Obviously, hearing all of this on the first year of a five and a half year degree terrified me; it was all too much, what if law wasn't for me after all? However, thanks to Absolute Internship I found a way to have an amazing once-in-a-lifetime experience without compromising on gaining professional experience in a Law firm that will look amazing on my CV for years to come!

In 2015 I was able to begin a new year in a new country KNOWING that I was about to do something that would set me up for life. Was I nervous? Of course! But Absolute organised the whole trip perfectly! Upon arriving in London we were greeted by the most caring and enthusiastic team of staff ever. Just knowing that I would have someone like this to talk to if anything didn't feel right was settling in itself, and upon meeting my fellow absolute interns I knew that I had definitely made the right decision. In just one short month I made friends for life that I would never get the opportunity to interact with if I hadn't been accepted onto the Absolute program.

Even though I completed the trip during London's icy winter (very different from the summer I had left behind in Australia) Absolute organised for us to see all the typical touristy sites and more! I had an marvellous time gallivanting through England and was awe-struck when we were informed that we would also be making a weekend trip to Paris! Throughout the entire month that I participated in the Program I was constantly amazed by the food, accommodation, resources and support that we received and I know that I was not alone in this.

The internship itself was also incredible! As someone who was really looking for confirmation that I had chosen the right degree, a lot was resting on my placement. However, the members of the law firm that I was fortunate enough to secure a place in were very friendly and, to my surprise, I was not just running around getting all the top lawyers coffee. Instead, I was given real tasks to complete which are sure to stand out on my resume! At the end of my placement all the employees of the firm gave me a wonderful send off and asked me to keep in touch and come back as soon as I wanted; so not only did I gain experience but also future contacts in my field (not to mention the excitement of getting to dress up in fancy work outfits)!

I could honestly ramble on about how amazing Absolute were all day, but in short, here is a summary of why Absolute is the absolute best:
1. The internships are perfectly catered to your wants and needs and Absolute does everything they can both before and during the trip to ensure you are satisfied with your placement;
2. The sights/trips are beyond belief. You will see things you have never experienced before and could never hope to have experienced without participating in the program!;
3. THE PEOPLE! Every single person I encountered on my trip was amazing; the staff, my fellow interns and my work colleagues at the firm. I have made lifelong contacts; and finally,

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed