Buenos Aires

Academics: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Housing: 4
Safety: 4

I studied abroad in Buenos Aires from 2009-2010 and it was a good experience. I lived with two different host families and was able to explore two different neighborhoods. I really enjoyed Buenos Aires and its unique barrios. Each barrio has a unique flavor and adds to the color of the city. I love empanadas. As a non red meat eater, I was able to survive as much of the cooking in the city of Buenos Aires has more of a Spanish/Italian flair...if you try the cuisine outside of the city you're sure to be in for a treat. When I was up north almost to the border with Brazil, I had ice cream made out of flowers and when I was all the way south, I had some of the best seafood ever (close second to the seafood of the Gulf Shores).

There are many cultural attractions, festivals, ferias, plays, comedy shows, and events that keep the city alive literally day or night.

I took classes at both IES and at the local universities. I was grateful to have the experience of being with my fellow Americans and getting to know other locals through my classes. I also really enjoyed my internship and learning about the social justice issues. There's a big contrast organizationally between how public universities are run in Argentina versus IES, but the academic staff was great in navigating through all of the paperwork.

I recommend this program and definitely studying abroad in general, it's a worthy experience!

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