Staff Spotlight: Juliana Weathers

International Logistics Coordinator


Juliana is originally from Media, Pennsylvania, and has lived in several cities throughout the country. She graduated with a degree in international studies and Spanish from Arcadia University, where she studied abroad in Chile/Peru, South Africa, Dominica and Italy. She loves hiking, horseback-riding, anything involving an adrenaline rush, and one-way plane tickets to new places.

What is your favorite travel memory?

My favorite travel memory is the two weeks weeks I spent in Indonesia while visiting a friend for a wedding. It's an extremely underrated country. I went in with no expectations. The people there were, by far, the nicest people I have ever encountered. The landscape was breathtaking, I clicked a volcano, went horseback-riding, scuba diving, swam in waterfalls, and so much more. I highly recommend visiting there!

How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?

I have grown in a lot of positive ways since working for this company! I've always had a passion for wanting to help other people travel, but this company opened my eyes to just how differently each person travels. My horizons have been expanded just by talking to families each day and hearing their perspectives and opinions.

What is the best story you've heard from a return student?

The best story I've heard from a return student is from a girl who traveled to Peru. She was initially very shy and didn't have many friends, but that trip helped her to break out of her shell. She became more outgoing and learned a lot about herself. I actually spoke with her the other day and she is ten times more confident and happier now than when I first met her. I love seeing that transformation in our travelers!

If you could go on any program that your company offers, which one would you choose and why?

If I could go on any program that our company offers, I would go to Southeast Asia or Tanzania. I personally love being outdoors in warm weather, and experiencing more remote areas of the world. Both of those trips have amazing cultural immersion experiences, as well as many interesting optional excursions (such as white water rafting) that you can add on.

What makes your company unique? When were you especially proud of your team?

I am proudest of my team because we whole-heartedly support one another. If someone is out sick or is going on vacation, we not only cover them and take care of their work, but we also genuinely miss them while they are gone. We are like an extended family. Coming to work each day and being genuinely excited to see your coworkers is a great feeling!

What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?

I believe a company that is invested in caring about its employees' happiness, health, and personal/professional growth is a major factor in being successful. Travel for Teens values each of their employees so much. Everyone who works here truly loves their job and has a passion for travel. I think that translates over to us taking great care of our travelers.