ArtBound Initiative

ArtBound Initiative

Why choose ArtBound Initiative?

ArtBound Initiative is dedicated to emerging creative professionals. Our mission is to encourage connections between participants, industry leaders and global companies. Strengthened by our network of over 250 companies, ABI provides the opportunity for personalized work experiences in highly insular industries. Placements are currently available in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Berlin, Melbourne, Sydney, and Virtual.


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Yes, I recommend this program

My Experience with Artbound Initiative program

Artbound Initiative helped me through the before and after process for my internship. Helping me to be a suitable candidate to work as an Intern in the Fashion Industry in New York City, accompanied during my internship abroad and with their monthly cultural activities which was fun to do. I lived in NYC for 4 months as a Fashion Styling Intern for Photobook Magazine. I supported the stylist at many photoshoots, doing pick ups and returns. I also wrote some articles for the digital magazine. I would recommend Artbound Initiative program.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Have fun, learn as much as you can and make every moment count.
  • School credits
  • Working opportunities
  • Support
  • Expenses
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Yes, I recommend this program

My Internship Experience In Melbourne

Buckle up and get ready for a whirlwind ride through my graphic design internship at Pitch Agency, nestled in the vibrant heart of Melbourne. From Monday to Wednesday, I stepped into a world where pixels met passion, under the seasoned guidance of the agency's creative wizards.

Each day dawned with a burst of creative energy as I delved into tasks tailored to fuel my graphic design prowess. From crafting eye-catching visuals to fine-tuning brand identities, every project was a canvas waiting to be transformed into a masterpiece. Collaborating with seasoned professionals not only honed my skills but also expanded my design horizons, leaving me with a toolkit brimming with fresh techniques and innovative approaches.

But wait, the adventure didn't end within the confines of Pitch Agency's studio walls. The remaining days of the week were a delightful symphony of exploration and discovery as I embarked on a journey to uncover the hidden gems of Melbourne. From the iconic laneways adorned with vibrant street art to the lush greenery of the Royal Botanic Gardens, each corner of this eclectic city whispered tales of creativity and inspiration.

As I navigated through Melbourne's maze of culture and charm, I found myself soaking in not just its sights but also its spirit. Every alleyway, every café, and every encounter fueled my imagination, infusing my design work with a newfound depth and richness.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
It's simple really, just do it, out yourself out there and be confident. In the beginning I was a bit nervous but over the days I overcame it by being more open and talking to people. The people in Melbourne are really friendly and helpful.
  • Transportation
  • Internship Experience
  • Very good food
  • Cost of living
  • Making your own food
  • -
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Yes, I recommend this program

Fun experience - I learnt a lot!

This program is truly beneficial if you lack relevant experience in the creative industry that you want to work for! Although the program fee is more on the pricey side, it can be a good investment to get your foot in the door. You also get exclusive access to the ABI network which can be useful for future-job seeking.
The ABI team was lovely and helped me land an internship that opened many other doors for me. I’d highly recommend for students who are looking to gain work experience in a different country :)

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Don’t leave accomodation to the last minute, especially if you’re doing the program in Australia! The housing crisis is real :0
  • Work experience with great companies
  • Learning about new cultures
  • Helpful team that will support you throughout
  • Fee and cost of living
  • Internships have a high chance of being unpaid
  • No guarantee of full time offer after internship
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Yes, I recommend this program

Re-discovery myself through a whole new lens.

The opportunity with Artbound is one that I truly think no one can really miss out on! As some one who had a struggle to figure out their own life post graduation especially in the creative industries, Artbound allowed me to see the opportunities that arose from those whilst refining my skills for future employers.

There was also value when it came to the internship process itself, allowing myself to collaborate whilst also gain new skills and opportunity within the art gallery scene.

If you also feel stuck in your own situation, why not give this a shot?

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Yes, I recommend this program

Dream location. Dream internship.

I lived in NYC for 3 months through Art Bound Initiative as an Editorial & Stylist Intern for Photobook Magazine. Living in New York is an experience like no other. Every day at work, I felt inspired, and the internship has shaped the direction in which I want to steer my career. I supported the stylist at many photoshoots, as well picking up and dropping off the clothes. I also wrote articles for the digital magazine, and it was great seeing my work published. It was inspiring to see so many people working in the creative industries, and to see how seriously it is taken in New York and to meet passionate creatives with flourishing careers.

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
The most fun and surprising part of this internship was supporting the stylist on the set for Vanessa Williams’ music video.
  • Inspiring internship
  • Accomplishment of fulfilling a lifelong aspiration
  • Developed independence


Displaying 1 - 4 of 4

Alumni Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with verified alumni.

Why did you choose this program?

I'm enrolled at the Art Academy of Cincinnati to earn my BFA. I chose ArtBound Initiative because a few people from my school had gone through them and had really good experiences. I was also considering another Study Abroad program, but chose ArtBound Initiative because I decided I wanted to spend my summer working towards being an artist than just as a student.

ArtBound Initiative, as the name suggests, is a program centered around the arts and works to connect young and emerging artists into the creative fields which are generally very insular. I felt that this program would allow me to access opportunities I would have difficulty finding otherwise.

I chose to go through the 8-week New York program ArtBound Initiative offers, because at the time that I was applying, I hadn't been in school long enough to be eligible for the Berlin or Hong Kong programs they offer. I really wanted to go through and have this experience so I went to New York for the summer. ArtBound Initiatives offers an 8-week and 12-week internships. I chose to be in New York for eight weeks due to familial concerns, but upon reflection, I would highly recommend going for the full 12 weeks.

What did your program provider (or university) assist you with, and what did you have to organize on your own?

My university had directed me to ArtBound Initiative and provided me with information concerning how to earn college credit over the time I was to spend in the program.

The ArtBound Initiative representatives were very hands-on in helping me organize the portfolio and resumé that I was to submit to them and that they would then be passing on to my potential internship placements. ArtBound Initiative also provided counseling sessions that helped narrow down what kind of internship I was going to have. These sessions enabled me to realize that I wanted to work with a studio artist with them in their studio.

ArtBound Initiative offers many different internship placements so I felt that the counseling sessions were very helpful. Through them, we were able to customize the experience to what I wanted and thought was best for me. ArtBound connected me with two studio artists who I was going to be working with, giving me their contact information. I contacted the artists, discussing the logistics of the internship, and then debriefed ArtBound about what was decided.

ArtBound Initiative also assisted me in finding housing for the summer. The representative sent me a few listings of apartments that were available near where my internship sites were, and I went through them and decided what would work best for me and my budget.

I went through the New York program and thought about how to get there as well as how I was going to get around the city during my stay, and how I was going to eat. Because I'm from Ohio, I drove into the city with a family member who helped me move into my apartment and then left.

For me, the process of traveling to and from the city was relatively painless. The day after I arrived in the city, I met with an ArtBound Initiative representative who debriefed me on New York City life in general and some of the events that they were organizing throughout the summer.

What is one piece of advice you'd give to someone going on your program?

Have a good idea of what you want to get out of your internship, but also feel free to go and explore everything that's going on in the city you are in. Going for 12 weeks gives you more time to really get involved with your internship and the city.

I spent the first two to three weeks in New York getting used to the pace of the city and the artists I was working with. After that, I was able to have a lot of fun and find some really interesting things and meet some really great people.

Also, don't be afraid. Go full boar, jumping straight into the thick of things, and see what happens. For me, this meant trying to go to gallery openings every night there was one, and talking to the people there, or going to an event and stay after things start to wind down a bit just to see what happens next.

Part of not being afraid is going and getting lost in the city (which I did multiple times). Getting lost is honestly the best thing you can do because it’s during these times I found the most interesting things and learned the most about the city. I remember one time, I got lost to the point of tears, but I did find my way back and was surprised by the general goodwill of people.

What does an average day/week look like as a participant of this program?

The average day/week looks different for every participant. My days/weeks involved a combination of studio work (like preparing canvas, mixing paints, and taping off edges), administrative work (organizing project files, sending out emails, organizing contact information, and researching grant and residency opportunities), along with doing some legwork and trying to find new clients and galleries for the artists I was working with. This is what I did, but a friend I made in the ArtBound program had a different experience with what she was doing because she took an internship that was more involved on the arts administration side of things.

Going into your experience abroad, what was your biggest fear, and how did you overcome it? How did your views on the issue change?

My biggest fear in life is heights, so I didn't wander over to the edges of roofs on tall buildings and look over the side.

Kidding aside, going into the internship, I was afraid of having to talk to people I didn't know and going to work with the artists I was placed with in their studios. An artist’s studio is a personal place where an artist formulates his/her ideas. Walking into a studio is like walking into someone else's mind, and that's a hard thing for me to do because I don't know if I'm welcomed there or not, and I wanted to be an asset to the artists, not an impediment.

Part of me overcoming my fear of being a nuisance was just jumping right in and getting the work done that I was assigned to do and trying to stay busy so that things ran smoothly and progress was made. I tried my best, and I think it worked out alright because the artists and I got along.

Staff Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.

Kania Putri P

Job Title
Business Development
Kania joined the Marketing and Business Development team at ArtBound Initiative after previously having interned and worked at L’Oreal. She handles inquiries from leads, create and maintain relationships with new companies and universities, and help develop strategies to expand the network.
Kania Putri P wearing a scarf and glasses smiling

What is your favorite travel memory?

During a family vacation in Japan, I boarded a train alone to the city center of Tokyo to meet a Japanese friend whom we had bonded over when she did an exchange at my university. We had incredible fun trying on the traditional Japanese garment yukata, walking down the streets in incredibly small slippers, tasting local foods and sweets, and the heartwarming, spontaneous adventures that follow when you are happy and full and with a friend in a foreign city.

It’s a memory I cherish because as she is Japanese, we got to talk with some locals and it was endearing and sweet what some of them thought of my country and religion.

How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?

I’ve only been working at ArtBound Initiative for a few months and I have never felt like I belonged elsewhere. We’re a close-knit team – and even though some of us don’t live in the same continent, we are always supportive of each other.

In the past, I have struggled to find aspects of a job that I love – but when I came to work for ABI, I realise that I thoroughly enjoy helping people embark on the same journey abroad as I was once so lucky to have experienced.

What is the best story you've heard from a return student?

I’ve not been working at ArtBound Initiative for long, but I have heard funny and heartwarming stories from students returning home from their internships. One student said that they’re frequently in touch with the other participants even months after their internship ended – getting lunch and dinner together and hanging out – it’s lovely to see how we helped connect these people and made friendships! One participant even shared a story of how he once met ASAP Rocky and Lil Pump when he was commuting for work!

If you could go on any program that your company offers, which one would you choose and why?

I have been to some parts of Europe, but I have never been to London, even though it was the city I have been wanting to visit ever since I was in primary school, having read so many books by Enid Blyton! I would love to go for our London program!

If the opportunity ever comes, it will definitely be one of the most amazing experience I will ever have – to intern and live in one of my dream cities. I’d have scones and clotted cream and jam every day on my way to work!

What makes your company unique? When were you especially proud of your team?

Our company is unique in the sense that we’re so tight-knitted that participants never felt like they are not welcome. We are always readily available when our participants need us – and that makes them more comfortable and allows for a more personal experience.

Looking at the growth the company has gone under in a span of a few months make me really happy and proud of all the contributions that we’re making to get to where we are so far. I’m glad that I’m able to grow with such a team that cares deeply for each and every one of us.

What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?

I’ve only been working for less than 2 years in my life but I believe that communication is an important key to being a successful company. It’s being sufficiently transparent, and honest that allows us to dig deep into a problem, and to find a solution together without feeling burdened. Communication helps foster a good work relationship – which in turn can really help in increasing productivity and morale. Another important factor would be our dedication for our students. Everyone at ABI has a passion for the experiences we facilitate for students abroad – we are dedicated to creating the best experiences we can for our interns, day in and day out, and I’m elated that I got to be part of this incredible team.