Why choose EDUCO?

We are a non-profit association concerned with promoting student-centred teaching/learning through the application of theatre and drama practices. Accredited by the Italian Ministry of Education, EDUCO utilizes the power of theatre and drama within a didactic framework to successfully teach English to Italian children all across Italy.

Our touring Theatre In Education company, TEATRINO, is acclaimed within both academic and theatre disciplines for an extensive repertoire which is the largest and most diverse of its kind in Italy. Drama is used as a powerful and effective ESL tool.

In addition to Teatrino, we offer other projects which include; Theatre In Education (TIE) Days, English Summer Camps (held across Italy for Italian students), CLIL workshops(Content and Language Integrated Learning), and Teacher Training workshops.

EDUCO recruits actors, performers, musicians, tutors, teachers, and trainers from all over the world who are native English-speakers.



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Yes, I recommend this program

The Best Summer Camp

EDUCO offers a 1 week training program before your onboarding as a camp tutor. This training program is a really great aspect of EDUCO. They offer in depth training and provides feedback for your improvement. The summer camps are very well organized and supplied with all the materials that you need. The activities are fun and memorable. You get the chance to live with host families all around Italy and experience the country as a local. You also get to connect with people all around the globe. It is truly a wonderful experience!

EFL/ESL Teacher and Postgraduate Researcher in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics
Yes, I recommend this program

Experience with Educo in 2023

For tutors and youth workers interested in working overseas in Italy with Educo, and wishing to get further insight into the experience of previous tutors, this is for you. I have been working with Educo since the summer of 2023, and my overall experience has been very rewarding and unforgettable. The first part of the experience includes training concerning the Performance and Play methodology by experienced trainers and you are provided with a detailed guidebook that accompanies you throughout your summer experience. The program includes free transport from camp to camp, accommodation with Italian host families, as well as food, and a generous weekly study grant. The training is insightful and brings you closer to what you will be asked to do as a tutor in your camps, and the Italian hospitality is one of the most unforgettable experiences along with your teaching experience at camps. You are provided with a brief outline of what you are asked to do along with your colleague teachers, and with the guidance of your camp directors, you implement your lesson plans through an experiential and fully immersive educational approach. The working schedule occupies you from around 9-5 every day from Monday-Friday, but you can enjoy the Italian culture in the evenings and during the weekends when Saturday is not a traveling day from one camp to another. It is an opportunity worth experiencing both for the cultivation of your teaching experience as well as for your intercultural awareness and sociolinguistic skills. The organization is very supportive of its tutors and willing to solve any problems that may occur in the meantime.

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
There may be moments when you experience some miscommunication issues with your camp directors, who may or may not have good competence in English, therefore, establishing a good schedule from the start and setting the overall time schedule, activities, and teaching objectives is advisable. Asking for clarification questions throughout your collaboration is also advisable. Overall, whether you are an experienced tutor in teaching English as a foreign language or not, it is important to build a balanced and trustworthy relationship with your colleagues and camp directors, so that you have a good and rewarding experience at camps.
Read my full story
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Yes, I recommend this program

Educo Summer Camps 2023

To put it simply, EDUCO was one of my most favourite experiences ever. I fell in love with Italy - the culture, the cuisine, my wonderful host families. I loved every minute of the teaching experience (you become very protective of all your little kiddies !!) and had great fun with the other tutors as well. In some places you’re local to the town and have the utmost freedom to go out in the evening with the other tutors. Other places may be more remote with less access to city centre but there is always fun to be had, even if it’s just a night spent having dinner with your host family. The teaching can be tiring as you have to upkeep your energy throughout the day but it was so so gratifying for me. I am returning to EDUCO to teach this summer, a true testament of the joy it brought to me :)

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
There were not many nerve wracking moments at all. It was probably the first time meeting my very first host family, however, they were so relaxed, kind and welcoming that any nerves I did have evaporated within minutes. Remember that many of these families have hosted tutors before and are glad to have you in their home !
  • Personal growth
  • Enjoyment
  • Adventure
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Yes, I recommend this program

Summer '23 with EDUCO

I had the most incredible Summer of my life with EDUCO this Summer. Not only did I get to develop my teaching skills in such a fun friendly environment, whilst finding a new love for language teaching, I met the most amazing people whilst travelling Italy. My time at orientation was amazing, as learning was made so much fun but yet was so beneficial, I couldn't believe how much I learned in a week. I got to travel to Sanremo, Milan, Bologna, Venice and Naples as part of EDUCO and stayed with the most amazing Italian host families. If I ever encountered any difficulties during the Summer, I was always certain I could rely on Sophia, Kuba or Charlie for a bit of advice or a management issue. Coming back to the classroom in Ireland, I feel so much more confident in my teaching ability and am equipped with so many fun language learning resources, tips and tricks, as well as memories from the Summer of a lifetime. Thank you EDUCO

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Yes, I recommend this program


Educo is an absolute gem! 🇮🇹✨ I can't stop raving about the incredible experiences I had. From the moment I signed up, I knew I was in for something special, and Educo Italy exceeded all my expectations.

Let me start by saying that Italy itself is a dream destination. But what makes Educo truly exceptional is how they enhance every aspect of your Italian adventure.

The mentors during orientation week were a bunch of absolute rock stars. Their passion for their job is infectious, and they go above and beyond to make sure you feel ready to work.

The host families were wonderful! They immediately made me feel at home. This experience is essential for understanding Italian culture and language. They took me to absolutely fantastic sites that I would never have been able to visit if I had been on my own.

Camps were a lot of fun! The kids are adorable and it was impressive how much they learned in only a week. It definitely made me think about how education should always be enjoyable. The kids began speaking little to no English on day one, and by Friday, we were having fluent conversations. I'm sure it's because they learn via play (the best way to learn!).

Educo Italy is the perfect blend of learning and adventure, where you can explore beautiful Italy while offering a top-notch education.

Grazie mille Educo!

  • Learning about Italian culture
  • Learning different methods of teaching
  • Traveling


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Alumni Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with verified alumni.

Maria Triantafyllou

Maria is a dedicated teacher specializing in foreign language learning and teaching, with two years of experience in the field. She is currently pursuing a master's degree in foreign language learning and teaching, she resides and studies in Greece while harboring a passion for working abroad during the summer months. Maria possesses experience in teaching English at primary schools in Greece, a private institution in Spain, and across English summer camps in Italy over the past two years.


Why did you choose this program?

Educo marked my endeavor to apply my teaching knowledge outside my home country, in my second language within a domain of my greatest interest: performance and play in education. Initially, I aspired to cultivate a career while engaging in summertime work abroad, and Italy emerged as an appealing option due to its cultural similarities with Greece. During my first exploration of international work opportunities, Educo prominently surfaced in my search inquiries. The organization's comprehensive website provided me with further insights, giving me a solid foundation to conceptualize its working ethos and educational objectives. Encouraged by this discovery, I embraced the opportunity, willingly assuming the associated risks.

What did your program provider (or university) assist you with, and what did you have to organize on your own?

The decision to embark on my international work experience was wholly autonomous, necessitating meticulous planning and organization of my responsibilities and travel arrangements. This process involved the submission of an application through the Educo website, followed by the requirement to provide a video showcasing the implementation of one of my teaching activities from an experiential standpoint. Subsequently, I was prompted to complete my profile on the Educo platform, facilitating communication with the individuals overseeing my training and placement within the summer camps in Italy.

What is one piece of advice you'd give to someone going on your program?

I highly recommend seizing the opportunity to engage with Educo and explore the prospect of working abroad, particularly if you are an English teacher inclined towards implementing lesson plans through experiential and non-formal methodologies, particularly within the realms of performance, drama, music, art, and play. An additional dimension to consider entails the necessity of periodic travel to diverse locations, necessitating adaptability to new environments, embracing Italian hospitality, and adjusting to new teaching contexts.

What does an average day/week look like as a participant of this program?

My daily work with Educo entails a commitment from 9 to 5, Monday through Friday, particularly if opting to participate in non-residential or other specialized camps. Moreover, additional time is typically allocated for early arrival and late departure to facilitate preparatory activities and reflective sessions with fellow tutors and the camp director, respectively. Educo provides a very structured framework of the tasks required to implement, supplemented by recommendations provided within their accompanying guidebook. The morning sessions feature individualized instruction, while the afternoon sessions, following snack time and lunch, typically involve collaborative hands-on activities with all tutors, engaging students across various proficiency levels.

Going into your experience abroad, what was your biggest fear, and how did you overcome it? How did your views on the issue change?

The decision to embark on overseas employment presented a degree of uncertainty for me, particularly given the absence of prior insights or feedback from colleagues who had previously collaborated with Educo. Chief among my apprehensions was whether the organization's pedagogical approach would align with my instructional objectives and expectations and whether the transient nature of moving between camps and accommodation arrangements with various Italian families would give me a sense of sustained comfort over an extended duration of time. After numerous email exchanges and a phone call with the person responsible for my training and camp allocations, followed by informal exchanges with my trainers, my concerns were considerably answered.

Staff Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.

Sophia Trozzo

Job Title
International HR Manager
Sophia is international HR manager for EDUCO's summer camps program since 2016. In addition to overseeing the recruitment process for over 200 educators annually, she is also responsible for allocating tutors to camps across the country and serving as their first point of contact throughout the program. She is based in Sanremo, but coordinates nationally with a team of EDUCO collaborators.
A group of participants posing in matching t-shirts

What is your favorite travel memory?

I have so many wonderful travel memories! It would be impossible to only choose one.

Snorkelling along the coral reef in Egypt's Red Sea, camel riding at sunset in the Sahara desert, racing (literally) through the Hermitage in St. Petersburg with my 13 month old daughter, solo travelling through Vienna, Prague and Budapest during the Christmas holidays, living in Paris (my favourite city) as a student, are only a few of the many treasured experiences that come to mind.

Unlike other countries, I've had the privilege of getting to know Italy profoundly and over a long period of time, largely thanks to my work teaching and recruiting for EDUCO. Some of my most precious memories in La Bella Paese include: long train rides from the north to south (I recall one particular journey of 12+ hours from Elba Island to Ricadi, Calabria where I watched one of the most beautiful sunsets of my life from my window), hiking in the mountains near Bergamo, having my taste buds awakened by Puglia's delightful and original culinary traditions, drives along the Amalfi coast, and day trips to Liguria's small, colourful fishing and mountain villages.

How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?

I moved to Italy from Montreal (Canada) in the summer of 2015, to begin a career in education in the country of my roots. Since then I've worked with dozens of people from various educational backgrounds - each of whom have shaped my vision for my work. My Italian language skills have greatly improved and I've gained invaluable insight into working within a bilingual environment. I've learned that providing young people with opportunities to work and travel in a foreign country is an enormous responsibility that, when taken seriously and carried out with passion, reaps immense joy and can even change lives.

But the biggest change for me personally undoubtedly came from becoming a mom. The experience of giving birth in Italy, away from my family and friends, and now raising my daughter here, has added an entirely new and incomparable dimension to my relationship with this country. I want to do the best work I am capable of, for her. I want her to grow up in an Italy that recognises the importance of learning languages, that celebrates ethnic diversity and cultural exchange. And I'm so happy she will grow up with access to my work environment, because it provides a window into all of that, and much more.

What is the best story you've heard from a return student?

Each summer I receive dozens of emails from tutors who have completed our program and gained new perspectives. People write to say that, following our program, they are considering changing careers, or want to find full time teaching work in Italy, or that they've made friends for life. Sometimes they write to thank me for sending them to a location they were initially hesitant about, or for trusting them to handle a certain type of project or assignment. There is nothing more satisfying then seeing the people you've recruited grow, professionally and personally, over the course of a summer.

If you could go on any program that your company offers, which one would you choose and why?

Hands down our camps! I spent three summers as a tutor on our program and they are among some of my best experiences. EDUCO camps offer an incredible opportunity to travel to unique parts of Italy while doing meaningful work with children and meeting people from all across the world. Our tutors come dozens of countries, including: USA, UK, Canada, Ireland, South Africa, New Zealand and Australia.

In addition, you get to live with Italian families, who offer you a direct link to the culture - an opportunity to learn more of the language, the local secrets and specialities, and indulge in their region's cuisine. Your accommodation is provided and EDUCO covers all transport between camps, so your expenses (apart from your flight of course) are few to none. Plus, you earn a generous study grant for each week in camp, and a TEFL certificate following completion of the program.

What makes your company unique? When were you especially proud of your team?

We are always striving to be competitive and attract the best talent for our programs. We recognise that this means setting a standard that is attractive for applicants across the world.

Currently, we provide the highest compensation of any summer camps program in Italy (and among the highest in the EU). We are the only company in Italy that offers a Theatre in Education program for children. We also provide outstanding networking opportunities on a national level, following the completion of our programs, with many of our recruits going on to accept full time or part time work in Italy via our collaborators and contacts.

Our staff are demonstrated experts in their respective fields and are continuously building on their education and training in order to provide the best for our new recruits.

EDUCO is a network of dozens of dedicated individuals across the Italian peninsula, from north to south. I don't think it can be stated enough, how difficult an undertaking it is to harmonize so many projects across great geographical and regional differences, but we do it! And I believe we're successful at it because, at the core of what we do is a strong human component. We are always feeding off of one another for ideas, ways to communicate better or synchronise our messages more thoroughly. Each year we involve over 100 000 Italian children and teachers in our programs. What we are able to accomplish on a national level annually makes me especially proud.

What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?

The biggest factor in EDUCO's success has been strong, visionary leadership. Leadership that, at its core, allows the best characteristics and abilities of every person in our network and on our team to flourish. This, coupled with our ability to adapt to the needs of an ever changing world, and a gradually changing Italy, has made us a game changer.